

Full Disclosure

I explore a variety of topics on my blog. The majority of my posts will be related to technology, education, my experiences as a mother, and different combinations of the three. I do not own my own domain. My blog is hosted on the free, Blogger platform.

Making a Living
I am currently a technology integration coach for my local school district. I am also a Social Studies teacher for Idaho Digital Learning, where I teach a variety of courses online.

So, you’re a blogger, huh?
I have blogged in the past, but did not keep up with them very well. I am now starting this blog as part of a course to get my Master's Degree in Educational Technology through Boise State University. I plan to continue using this blog even upon completing my degree to share, document, and reflect upon my experiences as a technology coach and mother. I do not get paid for blogging, and I do not advertise on my blog. I may at times post about products, but only products I have personally used and would like to review.

Media ties: I have no media ties.

Stocks: I own no stocks.

Religion: I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Politics: I am a registered republican. 
 A Few Questions

1. For what other employers (or consulting) have you worked in the last five years?
Teacher at Minico High School (Aug. 2014 - Aug. 2017)
Teacher at Oakley High School (Aug. 2013 - Aug. 2014)
2. What sort of volunteer work do you do regularly, if any, and for whom? (Please include any public relations, advocacy or advisory board involvement.)


3. Do you do any work paid or unpaid in politics or government? Have you done any lobbying of governmental bodies?

No, I do not do any paid or unpaid work in politics or government.

4. Do you have any financial investments or financial ties that may limit your ability to cover specific topics free of conflict, and if so, what are the topics?

No, I do not have any financial investments or ties that will limit my ability to cover certain topics.

5. Although we don’t regulate the activities of spouses, partners or immediate family members of our contributors, do any of their professional or personal involvements or any of their financial investments or ties make certain topics inappropriate for you, and if so, what are the topics?

There are no financial investments, ties, or personal involvements of any of my family members that would limit the topics on this blog.

6. Have you accepted any free trips, junkets or press trips in the last two years? Have you accepted any substantial free merchandise or discounts from people we might cover?

7. Has anything you’ve written later resulted in a published editor’s note or retraction for deliberate falsehood or plagiarism or become the subject of a lawsuit involving allegations of deliberate falsehood? (If yes, please include details about the publication and your role in the article or story. If a lawsuit, please describe the disposition of the case.)

No. All writing, thoughts, and opinions are my own and do not represent the thoughts or opinions of Boise State University, the Minidoka School District, Idaho Digital Learning, or my co-workers.

[Note: This page is an adapted version of one completed in Full Disclosure at Around the It has only been personalized and the text largely remains consistent with the original used by Miguel Guhlin]

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